According to officials familiar with the development, Indian Railways is planning to launch a comprehensive mobile application that will serve as a unified platform for a range of passenger services.
The new mobile application will allow users to book tickets, purchase platform passes, track schedules, and perform other tasks. Developed by CRIS (Centre for Railway Information Systems), which is responsible for designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining the Railway's information systems, the application will integrate with existing IRCTC (Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation) systems, the organization that provides ticketing, catering, and tourism services for the Railways. An official stated, “IRCTC will continue as the interface of CRIS with passengers. Integration between IRCTC and the planned app is underway.” Currently, passengers use several applications and websites for various services, including IRCTC Rail Connect for ticket booking, IRCTC eCatering Food on Track for meal delivery, Rail Madad for feedback, the Unreserved Ticketing System for unreserved tickets, and the National Train Enquiry System for train tracking.