Vayve Mobility, a Pune-based startup, is all set to launch the very first solar-powered electric car in the country — named Eva. The car is fully automatic with a battery charging option, and the makers claim it can go nearly 20 km per unit of electricity, probably the highest in the sector.
It has been made smaller and narrower in size, designed for commuting conveniently in crowded cities, including Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III cities.
The car’s design is sleek and modern, with a compact build that makes it perfect for city driving. The car’s body is made of lightweight materials keeping in mind the flexibility and futuristic idea. This design will help to reduce its overall weight and increase its efficiency.
The car, designed keeping the Indian market in mind, lays emphasis on affordability and practicality and can accomodate two adults and a child. It is convenient to charge, climate-controlled, and easy to drive and park. The eco-friendly, car comes with a host of features including a rearview camera, a touchscreen infotainment system, and automatic emergency braking.
The car is powered by a liquid-cooled PMSM motor, produces 6kW of power. With a 14 kWh battery pack, active liquid cooling, four-hour charging on a standard socket, and rapid charging on CCS2, it can be fully charged in 45 minutes. It is built on a Monocoque chassis. The car is also safe with a driver’s airbag and an IP-68-certified powertrain. The car can cover a range of 250km on a single charge.
The company plans to price the car competitively, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers.