St. Joseph's Public School is a school in the King Koti area of Hyderabad, India. The principal is Ms. Rebecca, and the headmistress is Ms. Aparna. The school started with a population of 30 students and 5 teachers and today has a population of 7000 students and 250 teachers.
The school is divided into three blocks. Classes P-I to VI are in the main block which is a three-storied building. Two classes are there in each floor. The middle school block has classes VII & VIII in a separate building and the new ISC block is for classes IX to XII.
Working Hours
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMTuesday
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMWednesday
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMThursday
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMFriday
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMSaturday
08:45 AM - 05:00 PMSunday